Job Search Tracker

An often over-looked aspect of your job search is tracking what you do and what you’ve accomplished. We’ve created a tracker to help you stay organized throughout your search

The JOHNLEONARD Job Search Tracker is a helpful Excel spreadsheet that can be used to track the progress of your job search. It will assist you with keeping a record of which email, phone conversation, or any other type of communication that triggered a response from a targeted employer.

This tool will allow you to record:
  • Jobs you’ve applied to
  • Which organization’s you’ve submitted an application
  • The position title and application status
  • Your next course of action (thank you note, follow up, etc.)
  • And more!
If you did not get a chance to upload your resume when applying to a job on our website, please attach your resume when submitting your information to us below.


"*" indicates required fields

Max. file size: 256 MB.