Temporary of the Month – December
Awarded $100 Outstanding Performer Bonus

It brings us great pleasure to announce that Tatiana Boulee has been recognized as the Temporary of the Month for December!

Tatiana joined the JOHNLEONARD team in December of 2022. She was quickly assigned as a Bilingual Client Intake Specialist at a Boston nonprofit organization providing free civil legal services to low-income people. Tatiana is still on assignment, providing valuable assistance to clients and prospective clients via phone and email. With a strong background in healthcare and nonprofit industries, she brings a mission-driven and people-focused approach to her work. Tatiana’s strong work ethic and ability to learn and apply new things quickly have undoubtedly contributed to her success in the role and impact on this nonprofit organization.

We greatly appreciate Tatiana’s hard work and dedication to this role. Congratulations, Tatiana!