How to Stay Focused During the Summer

With the official start of summer just a week away, many of us are already considering our vacation plans. As the weather warms up and the days grow longer, it’s easy to get distracted and daydream about days spent lounging on the beach. However, it’s crucial that we remain productive and focused on our work goals and responsibilities. To help you stay on track and enjoy a guilt-free vacation later, here are some tips to keep you motivated and productive.

Schedule time outside

Instead of sitting at your desk and looking out the window at the beautiful day, make a point to get outside.  Schedule time to take a walk and get some fresh air.  Knowing that you are going to get out at lunchtime can help keep you from being distracted all morning, and wishing you were outside.

Another way to ensure you get some fresh air is to plan a meeting with a client outside. People are always looking for an excuse to enjoy the outdoors during office hours in the summer. You can also invite a colleague to take a walk with you if you need to discuss something important. Don’t forget to take a proper lunch break and step away from your desk, computer, and phone to soak up some sunshine.

Take time off

Are you someone who often says, “I don’t have time for a vacation right now”? Then, suddenly, summer is over, and you never had the chance to unwind and rejuvenate. It’s common to get too caught up in work and neglect planning a vacation. However, if you schedule some time away from work, it’s possible to avoid this. Once you commit to a date and mark it on your calendar, you’re more likely to manage your time effectively leading up to the vacation.

Don’t succumb to “Vacation Brain”

As the planned vacation approaches, our minds tend to wander toward the excitement of the upcoming trip. However, it’s crucial to remain disciplined during this time. Focus on completing important tasks and diligently work through your to-do lists. Additionally, keep in touch with your colleagues who may be covering for you while you’re away. By doing so, you’ll feel prepared and able to fully enjoy your well-deserved time off without any worries.

Take advantage of a summer slowdown

Does your work slow down in the summer?  Take advantage of that lull to re-strategize, set new goals, and make new plans.  Take a fresh look at old problems.  Use the time to revisit past challenges and think about how you can better overcome them should they present themselves in the future.

How to Stay Focused During the Summer (2)

Staying focused and productive can be tough any time of year but especially so in the warmer months. These are all things we as employees can keep in mind as summer approaches so that we can take advantage of our precious time off!


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