“Must-Haves” for Any Good Job Relocation Package

Moving to start a new job is both exciting and nerve-racking. There’s a lot that goes into both starting a new job and moving. Compounding them both at the same time can lead to a lot of stress. Luckily, a lot of organizations like to express gratitude toward their employees by offering some sort of job relocation package options. When looking for a job relocation package there are a few items that are “must-haves”. Below are some of the top things to look for in any job relocation package.

Financial Assistance

The first thing to look for in any job relocation package is financial help. One of the top things on your mind during a move that can cause a lot of stress is money. There are a lot of costs and fees associated with moving other than the cost of the house. Look to see if your employer is willing to help out with some of these extra costs. In addition to purchasing a new home, consider travel costs, hotel stays, supplies, and hiring a moving company.

It’s important to figure out what your employer will help you with before you purchase your new home. This could directly affect your budget when calculating how much house you can afford. It’s important to know how much financial assistance you’ll receive before you commit to buying anything. Once you talk with your employer to determine how much financial help you will receive for your relocation process, then you can budget for your new home.

Moving Company Provided

Hiring a moving company is one of the most expensive aspects of any move outside of buying the house itself. Some organizations may already have a moving company they’ve partnered with to help with any of their employees that could be moving. But if they haven’t, having a moving company provided for you in a job relocation package is a “must-have”.

The average cost of a moving company varies depending on your personal possessions, furniture, and how far away you are moving. You will likely not get a moving company for even a short-distance move for much less than $1,000. Having an employer that helps you by covering the cost of a moving company can reduce some of your stress while making budgeting for a new home much easier.

Temporary Housing

One of the non-financial benefits that you should look for in any job relocation package is access to temporary housing. Hopefully, you wouldn’t need temporary housing for long if you need it at all. But having access to a place to stay without needing to book it in advance or pay out of your own pocket is a nice feature of any job relocation package. But if you start your job before your new home is ready, you may not have any other choice but to utilize temporary housing.

If you do decide that you’ll need some sort of temporary housing before you can move into your new home, bring it up with your employer. See if they can offer compensation to allow you to stay in a hotel by the office or an Airbnb until your new home is ready.

Allowing Hybrid Work if Needed

Moving is a very timely process. And pairing moving with starting a new job can cause a lot of time management problems. One thing that an employer can do to help ease your stress over this is to allow you to work remotely or in a hybrid environment. A remote workflow will allow you to take your time with your move and make sure you cover all your bases.

An employer allowing you to work from home as you move shows that they value work-life balance, which is something every employee loves to see. If you have space and the proper equipment needed to work from home, there’s no reason why you can’t ask if your job would provide you with some flexibility while you get settled into your new house.

“Must-Haves” for Any Good Job Relocation Package (1)

Both moving and starting a new job are huge moments in your life. Make sure you’re prepared and use any help offered through a job relocation package.


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