Job hunting is challenging, and you need to know it may take time to secure your dream job, but with proper preparation and understanding of the interview process, you can increase your chances of success. If you’re landing several interviews without being hired, you must step back and personally evaluate what might get in the way. Interviewing is a job; you must go into it with the best possible strategy and preparation to separate yourself from the rest of the pack. Going through the motions and sticking with the same failed approach will lead to more frustrations and rejections and severely damage your confidence.

Below, please find four reasons why you may not be getting the job of your dreams and, more importantly, what to do to be sure you’re putting yourself in the best situation to land the job!

No thank you note:

Some have recently argued that sending thank you notes after interviews can come across, in some eyes, as being desperate. However, recent surveys have squashed that mindset with hiring managers stating that thank you notes are greatly appreciated and still go a long way. It shows gratitude toward the interviewer and process and paints a picture of how you will perform on the job. Taking the time to put a thank you note together shows respect, responsibility, and professionalism. You should always send a handwritten or digital note expressing thanks along with your genuine interest in the role and organization.

Lack of interview preparation:

Not taking pre-interview time to fully gain knowledge of the position you’re interviewing for and the organization is setting you up for FAILURE!  Not being prepared for an interview can quickly become apparent to the interviewer and negatively impact your chances of getting the job. Inadequate planning is one of the main reasons why candidates fail to receive job offers. A recent study/ poll showed that 47% of candidates fail interviews due to their lack of knowledge about the organization and the full job description. Taking the time to prepare shows true dedication toward wanting the right outcome for you and the key decision-maker interviewing you. This also gives the interviewer a sense of your work ethic and desire to do your best. Planning and preparation allow you to anticipate what to expect while boosting your confidence levels and demonstrating your knowledge in the best ways. If you take the time and put forth the effort in preparing, your chances of getting the offer exponentially rise, and you will shine!

Came across as being too nervous:

It’s undoubtedly common to feel a bit nervous going into the interview, but it’s best to refrain from showing this during the interview. Being nervous can portray you as lacking confidence and, in some instances, cause too much concern as it relates to being unable to handle and manage stressful situations. Having control over your nerves can enhance your confidence and enable you to focus more effectively on questions you’re being asked to answer.  Mastering your anxiety and discomfort exhibits how you will positively and collaboratively work with team members and external clients. Researching the organization and preparing the evening before is imperative for building confidence. Also, keep your body healthy by eating a nutritious dinner and getting to bed early so you feel energized. You’ll be less nervous and more confident!

Bad-mouthing a former employer:

It happens time and time again. The interview is going well, and the connection between you and the interviewer is positive and strong. You then start to relax and mention some of the negative aspects of your former employer, and things begin to turn in the interviewer’s mind. You might think it’s OK to be overly honest, but staying neutral and optimistic during an interview is essential. Not only is negativity damaging, but it is also unprofessional; it shows a level of emotional immaturity. Negative remarks about your past employer(s) show a genuine lack of judgment.  Always remember, you’re in an interview, and every word matters. Even if specific comments were unintentional, they can and will quickly turn an interview in the wrong direction, so be careful!

The above subtle mistakes can derail the interview process. Again, step back and re-evaluate your previous interviews, and if you have made any of the above errors, do what you need to do to prevent it from happening again. In doing so, you will stand out and find the job of your dreams soon. It’s also helpful that you partner with a proven and reputable staffing firm in which experienced consultants can educate and coach you through the process from start to finish. Best of luck with upcoming interviews; go get that offer!

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